Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Chatroom Rules - temporary site!

With the new version of the FlyLady website going live, the link to our Chatroom Rules has been temporarily disconnected. I'm posting them here for now, especially so we can share them with our new chat friends.

Welcome to our chat! We are so happy you have decided to FLY (Finally Love Yourself) with us. This room is full of the most loving and dedicated FlyBabies from all around the world. Of course, we are all still learning and growing in our journey. We are here for motivation, inspiration, sharing and fun games to keep us focused and productive. This is a "working" room - Remember, you can do anything for 15 minutes!

This is a private chat paid for by FlyLady and located on her personal servers. The Moderators' names are at the top of the User list, in red. They are mostly volunteers, and have been chosen for their efforts in caring for the chatters. They spend many of their own hours in chat and behind the scenes to help make chatting here a safe and pleasant experience for all. Please respect them and appreciate the work they do for you.

We have two main rules in our chat:

1. Respect for each other, including moderators. If you need a specific definition of what is respectful please email nikki@flylady.net

2. No Whining. Venting is acceptable. Venting is done with a solution in mind and keeps us from exploding. However, please set a five minute timer and be prepared to seek a solution within that time limit.

This chat is intended primarily for adult FlyBabies. Anyone under 18 wanting to chat MUST list their age in their signon, e.g. "Susie(12yo)", and anyone under 15 MUST have a parent or guardian signed on with them and watching at all times. Chatters under 18 must keep their conversations in the public Chatroom - no private chatting except with a Moderator. Adult chatters are requested to watch out for our younger FlyBabies, and to conduct their language and topics accordingly when minors are present.

When chatting here, please try to observe some common courtesy:

1. Enter the room pleasantly. "Hello" works well as a greeting for the room. "UGH" does not.

2. Do your best to greet other chatters as they enter, and to cheer them on as they list their accomplishments.

3. Try to keep your comments positive - we are all trying to battle "stinkin thinkin" every day. ( see "No Whining", above )

4. No controversial topics, including politics and religious discussions. (It is perfectly acceptable to mention your religion or to ask for prayers, if done in a respectful way.)

5. Once you choose a nickname, please do not change it substantially without letting other chatters know it's "you".

6. Please do not just dump your personal problems on the other chatters. While we all want to be supportive, this room should not be used as a substitute for professional therapy, medical, or legal counseling.

7. If you have a product or service that you sell, please limit your sales pitch.

8. If posting any links, please keep them family-rated since minor chatters could be on with their parent at any time.

9. For your safety, do not give out personal information (e-mail, phone number, etc.) in main chat. If you trust another chatter enough to share, please do so in Private Message only.

10. Unknown idlers (i.e. users signed in but not "speaking") are not allowed in this chat and may be logged off at the Moderators' discretion.

11. You do not ever have to answer a Private Message, unless it is from a Moderator. Ignoring a Moderator is considered disrespectful and can result in disciplinary action.

The Moderating Team reserves the right to temporarily "kick" or permanently "ban" any chatter for any reason deemed necessary. If you wish to discuss a Moderator's decision or any other chat issue, please send an email to nikki@flylady.net

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh for heaven's sake...

Has it really been THIS long since I've posted here??? Guess I need to get busy and update! :D New Post Coming Soon.